Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Wonders of the then and now!

Have you ever lost contact with someone that you REALLY REALLY wish you hadnt? Then one day you just reconnect? I love when that happens. There are people that come in and out of your life on a daily basis. Its up to you who you keep and who you throw to the dogs. The thing is there are some times when the people you dont want to let go of just drift away. You might move and lose your phone. Or you argue and never have that chance to reconnect. Its those people the ones you loved and lost that always find a way back to you. It  might be five ten or even fifty years later. You still connect though. Some how Some way. Im glad I have so many loved ones in my life. Friends from school who while in school I couldnt call friends per say but now we talk more than the ones I have known all my life. There are always those guys that were macho men in school and now years later confess it was all a front to seem cool. Those girls who knew they were wanted by all and because of it had that snobbish attitude but now years later they are the sweetest people you could ever meet. Its amazin how much people change once they get out of that highschool setting. Once there isnt the pressure of who is more popular or who dates who. Once your out in the realworld and finally you learn that it didnt matter if you were prom queen. It doesnt matter if you were the science geek or the school recluse. All that matters is you and how you percieve yourself. I used to be one of those people that knew everyone but was neither liked nor disliked by 90% of them. I was happy that way. I had my group of friends that I would never leave then I had those people that I was great with in class but never saw otherwise. There are the ones I was besties with in middle school hit highschool and it was like I never met them. I wish it wasnt that way. Yeah I can be a witch and yeah I can argue with the best of them but its not me. The people that know me best know that I have always been the one to go to. I love being able to help people. I love when people know that they can go to me for anything. For those of you that talk to me now but didnt back in the day I say this. Im sorry. Im sorry I either pushed you away or simply hid away from you. Im sorry I didnt let the me shine and get to know you all better. I wish I had. Its time to make up for the faults of then and make the most of now. So sorry and I hope that it can all be different now!

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